Have Ewe Herd?
Herding Instinct Certificate (HIC) 2014-05-25
Canadian Kennel Club (CKC)
Canadian Good Neighbour (CGN) 2012-07-08
CKC Obedience
Companion Dog (CD) 2012-10-21
CKC Rally Obedience
Rally Novice (RN) 2013-03-03,
Rally Advanced (RA) 2013-11-09,
Rally Excellent (RE) 2015-07-19
CKC Agility
Agility Novice Selected (AGNS) 2016-08-28,
Agility Intermediate Selected (AGIS) 2018-05-26,
Agility Excellent Selected (AGES) 2018-08-26
Agility Novice PAD Selected (NPS) 2016-08-27,
Agility Intermediate PAD Selected (IPS) 2018-08-25
Agility Novice Jumpers (AGNJ) 2016-04-29
Agility Intermediate Jumpers Selected (AGIJS) 2018-05-26
Agility Jumps & Tunnels Selected (JTS) 2018-08-24
Canadian Association of Rally Obedience (CARO)
Novice MCL (CRNMCL) 2014-04-27
Advance MCL (CRAMCL) 2014-11-23
Excellent MCL (CRXMCL) 2016-04-17
Versatility MCL (CRVMCL) 2017-08-20
Agility Association of Canada (AAC)
Agility Dog of Canada (ADC) 2016-09-03
Starters Games Dog of Canada (SGDC) 2016-08-13
Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AADC) 2018-07-07
Advanced Games Dog of Canada (AGDC) 2018-08-04
Masters Steeplechase Dog of Canada (MSCDC) 2018-07-07
Master Jumpers Dog of Canada (MJDC) 2019-05-11
Master Snooker Dog of Canada (MSDC) 2019-08-25
Expert Steeplechase Bronze (EXCs Bronze) 2019-09-14
Master Gamble Dog of Canada (MGDC) 2019-09-22
Master Agility Dog of Canada (MADC) 2019-11-30
Agility Trial Champion of Canada (ATChC) 2019-11-30
Do More WithYour Dog (DMWYD)
Novice Trick Dog (NTD) 2021-09-04
Intermediate Trick Dog (ITD) 2021-09-04
Advanced Trick Dog (ATD) 2021-09-04
Expert Trick Dog (ETD) 2021-09-04